SMART ARK ACADEMY is an online professional and ethical training platform financed by the CNAPPC "Architects 2.0" call. The Academy is accredited on the CNAPPC national services platform and certifies courses and CFP.
The Academy project is by the ORDER OF ARCHITECTS OF THE PROVINCE OF PERUGIA, which accredits the courses and carries out the recognition of CFPs.
The online platform was developed and is managed by the non-profit association ELIGERE FUTURO, whose social purpose is the promotion of digital culture and innovation among professionals.
With SMART ARK ACADEMY, Architects can access the vast catalog of courses, in person and online, directly with their smartphone or tablet, simply by scanning the QR Code, as happens with the SPID.
The App automatically recognizes the course, as well as the user's entry and exit.
The CFPs that the Architect acquires are digitally transmitted to the services portal of the National Council of Architects (CNAPPC), which records the professional and ethical training credits obtained.
The transmission of the CFPs to the national services portal by the App relieves the secretariats of the individual provincial Orders of Architects that organize the courses from all the administrative and bureaucratic burden linked to accreditation, including the assistance service for their members - via email and chat - on issues relating to training.
The SMART ARK ACADEMY App is a free service for all provincial Orders of Architects.
The App can be used on any smartphone or tablet