FixForm allows you to easily report, manage and fix all problems within your building.
Are you frustrated about all the problems that you encounter? You see that the faucet has been leaking for weeks, or even worse, that the coffee machine is broken on that dreadful moment that you're in a desperate need of a shot of caffeine? You're not alone! And FixForm is here to help.
Our goal is to allow everybody, so both guests within a building as the people that are living or working there, to be able to report problems with just the snap of picture. And this without downloading an app or having to be a registered user.
With this app we'll supercharge the operational (facility) team by providing a centralised view of all the incoming problems, where they can make data-driven decisions in order to improve operational planning.
So let's start, and let's keep your building in good, clean and safe condition with FixForm.