Install the Child Care app now and find the sitter you want right away.
Are you looking for a move-in assistant?
Are you looking for a job now?
Do you want to leave my child with me?
Want to find a variety of helpers?
You can quickly find a babysitter through easy and convenient iVani.
You can find all sitters at a glance by region across the country (child sitters, babysitters, nursing, errands, housekeepers, child care helpers, going to and from school, play, learning, postpartum, food, nursing, exercise, cleaning, etc.)
As I saw mothers who had to run all the time to find answers to their lives after postpartum care, I thought about creating a space for them to breathe. Please take a breather in the space that mothers need and that we want to help mothers with. Ivani will work with you to connect human resources to make the world more beautiful as seen through a mother's heart.
Leave your child with peace of mind now. We provide safe care for your child at the time and place you want.
Going to and from school
Start safe transportation to and from school, kindergarten, and daycare without worrying about iBani.
Education and domestic help
We will help you to have a more leisurely life in your busy daily life by receiving help from school and house help.
Postpartum visit orthodontic care
Postpartum care for mothers after childbirth with an on-site orthodontic care expert.
Parenting-related communication Various helper communication bulletin boards
You can communicate and find information at any time.
Easy to use
Profile function
View schedule
Safe with various certifications
View parent profile
View sitter profiles
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