Colter Cederlof
First, their symbols for microphone recording is bad. When the microphone is blue, then that means it's recording. I thought it was a button that I needed to press to start recording. Second, as I pluck the belt, I don't get near consistent frequencies. I get 20Hz, 40Hz, and 85Hz among others. This means the method of plucking has enough variation to render the test useless for tuning. There's gotta be a better way. I'll pay for a tool that'll physically measure the tension.
Ben Crist
This app is good only to remind yourself what the acceptable frequency range is for your bike. The frequency detection is useless. Instead, use the Spectroid app with these settings: Sampling rate: 16kHz FFT size: 8192 Decimations: 1 Window: Hamming Smoothing: 0 After plucking the belt you should see all frequencies jump, but one frequency will decay slower than the rest, and Spectroid should detect it as a peak. That's the fundamental frequency that you're trying to adjust.
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