Just create your documents, emails, addresses and bank accounts and save them. Storing, sharing and managing information has never been easier. With Vault: Personal Wallet & Notes you no longer need to store personal information in your contacts or Notes. keep your privacy absolutely safe with a Personal Wallet app.
Bank information manager brings unique features to help you store, manage and share your information to your business partners, friends, family and loved ones. You can copy, share or even convert your account details to other files.
In addition to the mentioned features, the app comes with an amazing Map location feature. You can get your desired location in no time. This is happening in few seconds. Vault: Personal wallet is Notes Taking app and Notebook for keeping notes and organizing documents.
you have a super secure good notes app to protect your Bank accounts, Addresses, emails and Personal Notes. This Personal Wallet app is categorized in different sections to maintain the data in sufficient ways. Now, organize your business thoughts with vault, discoveries, and ideas and simplify planning important moments.
Last but not the least, Personal Wallet apps is equipped with a backup and restore functionality to enable you backup your data if you desire so. This is necessary if you intend to restore or transfer all your data to another device when you change or replace your device.
Mobile Wallet stores information about your credit or debit cards in your personal wallet. Wallet is a secure and private notes app. Check out our Wallet Now. Vault: Personal Wallet & Notes works offline, therefore there is no need of worry if you have no internet connection.