JRFAdda is perfect android app to crack NET and CSIR Exam. Hundreds of questions carefully selected for practice.
NET Exam Pattern:
The NET comprises two papers – Paper 1 and Paper 2 which will be held consecutively without any break. The total duration of the exam is 3 hours. Candidates are free to devote any amount of time to any paper. Paper 1 and Paper 2 will have 50 and 100 multiple choice questions respectively.
- Paper 1 is the same and compulsory for all candidates. It tests teaching and reasoning ability, research aptitude, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness of the candidate.
- Paper 2 is based on the subject chosen by the candidate. It tests a candidate’s in-depth knowledge and expertise in the respective subject.
- The combined exam duration for Paper 1 and Paper 2 is 180 minutes. Candidates are free to move and attempt any paper or question in these 3 hours.
- Each question carries 2 marks and there is no negative marking in any of the papers.
Feature of apps:-
1. Find the Daily Practice Video
2. Get the Daily PDF in all classes for practice.
3. Practice the daily Quiz
4. preparation course with details video courses , Tests and Notes
5. Online Test series
6. Regularly Live Tests
7. Doubts solving feature for learners
Key Features of This App:
- Along with the test preps and previous year solutions this app contains all the study materials, solutions, mock tests and solved papers.
- 24×7 online access to the app anytime anywhere even without Internet.
- This app is free to download and can be accessed on mobile, tab and web.
- User friendly interface divided by different categories.
- In-built fast eBook reader for a smooth reading experience.
- Bookmark, highlight, underline and use dark mode for your studies.
- Share directly your notes and screenshots with your friends without any hassle.
- Most preferred App for NTA UGC NET Exam Preparation.
With this app, we are focused to prepare students for NET exams to cover new UGC NET syllabus, patterns & practice sets, test preps & results which will help a student to study easily and conveniently. We also provide important papers for lectureship examinations.
It is a cross-platform course that works on your Mobile, Tablets, and Web.
With all these features and its user-friendly nature, you will definitely master all the subjects of this examination.
Disclaimer : JRFAdda does not represent or is affiliated with any government entity.
Source : https://ugcnet.nta.nic.in/