The Clemson University Events app contains guides to important events on campus. The app allows you to access event schedules, academic resources, food options and hours, campus maps and more at your fingertips 24/7.
Specific Event Guides are:
• New Student Orientation - The online guide to supplement materials distributed to New Student Orientation. Guide contains schedule, logistics and maps, contact information, social media, and more!
• Family Weekend - Family Weekend is an annual fall event held at Clemson University centered around a home football game. Family Weekend registration opens mid-summer and welcomes all families of Clemson students! The online guide supplements the programs schedule, events, and maps.
• Clemson Connect - Clemson Connect is the second part of the required Orientation at Clemson University. The online guide provides students scheduling information, requirements of Clemson Connect, maps and more.
• Housing - Residential Life Training (Private Event)
• Board of Trustees meetings - (Private Event)
• Bridge to Clemson - Contains information about the Bridge to Clemson program from orientation through "crossing" the Bridge.