Town Rewards is one stop solution for all your travel town game related help. From daily energy links to trading stickers with town rewards community, you will get convenience at its best. With app's ease of use and some top notch features, you'll surely have a fun ride.
By using Town Rewards app, you can get your missing stickers in travel town game. Other than sticker exchange features, you will find a separate option to get latest news, important updates, daily energy links, & guide to maximize your travel town game experience.
Please find Town Rewards Features in details:
Exchange Stickers: With Town Rewards' exchange feature, you can trade your missing stickers with duplicates with our app community. With various options within exchange feature, you are made sure you get best trade deal.
For ex: 1) Trade same star sticker with same star sticker or Trade 2 star sticker with two 1 star stickers.
2) Trade multiple stickers at one go.
3) Review the users ratings and trade history to ensure safe exchange.
4) Accept or Reject option for every exchange proposal you receive or send.
Daily Energy Links: Now boost your energy storage with daily energy links. We post tested and working energy links before anyone does to ensure convenience for you.
Real Time Notifications: Get notified for every incoming proposals or answer to your sent proposal to make sure you have faster exchange experience. For every daily energy link added, you get notification so you can claim the rewards before it expires. Also, get notified if there is any news or update regarding travel town.
Easy & Quick Interface: Town rewards comes with eye catching design and easy to use interface so you can enjoy all the features at the ease. With latest tech being used in the app, you will open everything within seconds.