Swift Wedge instantly upgrades devices with cameras with a keyboard wedge solution, allowing the user to scan barcodes or capture alphanumeric text directly into any input field form your Android device keyboard. No need to develop or change any software coding.
Used when applications can’t be modified, Swift Wedge can be used to populate fields into legacy or 3rd party applications such as WMS, CRM, ERP, Excel etc, it is ideal for businesses where short timelines are important or resources are limited, since deployment is instant.
Our application gives access to advanced scanning capabilities such as just scan, capturing one barcode at a time-
*Batch Scan, capturing multiple barcodes simultaneously, all at once to speed up workflows.
*Preview & Select, when there are many barcodes are on view, you can select the desired one out of the many with help from an AR Overlay
*Targeting, help with an aimer (overlay) to help guide to exact barcode image.
*Optical Character Recognition, capture alphanumeric latin text that is presented in the targeted region of interest or field of view.
Accessibility, the application will request access to the camera
The application will enable a specific keyboard (with functionality above) and also a “floating button” these features don’t connect or collect any data, it is for user experience to be able to press and capture data which is moved into the input field. No data is held on the device or stored on the device.
The keyboard wedge & the floating button accessibility can be switched on or switched off by the user at any time.
Contact Honeywell to get a license activation QR code.