CashFlow - Das Haushaltsbuch

104 reviews
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USK: All ages
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About this app

CashFlow - The Budget Book is your free app for easily managing your income and expenses in everyday life. CashFlow is the free financial manager and the budget book of the future with which you can save money!

⭐ Everything in view
On our dashboard you can always see immediately how your finances are doing. Is the laptop perhaps too expensive? CashFlow knows how much money you have left this month!

⭐ Simple operation
Operating CashFlow - the budget book is child's play. Income and expenses can be recorded on the go with just a few clicks - almost by itself.

⭐ Categories
The categories in CashFlow make it easy to summarize expenses. Whether household, groceries or the next vacation, with CashFlow - the budget book you keep track of all your expenses. You can use our preinstalled categories or simply create your own with your own icon.

⭐ Standing orders
By setting up recurring transactions in a practical way, you can save yourself unnecessary effort. Be it rent, salary or insurance - all of this is entered without you having to worry about it.

⭐ Statistics
What would a digital household book be without meaningful evaluations? With our statistics you can analyze your savings and immediately see in which month you spend the most.

⭐ Security
Your data is yours! In our free standard version, no data is stored on servers or passed on to third parties in any other form. All transactions are stored locally on your device.

⭐ Free
CashFlow - The budget book is free in the standard version and does not require any advertising!

⭐ Languages
By default, the app is available in two languages, German and English. If your mobile phone has German set as the language, then CashFlow is also in German. For other languages, English is used.

🚀 These are the features at a glance:
• Simple household book
• Entry of income and expenses
• Management of standing orders (recurring income / expenses)
• Sorting by categories
• Presentation and analysis using various statistics

🚀 In future versions (soon!):
• More statistics
• No data loss thanks to secure cloud storage
• Creation of groups for accounting for joint projects, trips, etc.
• Web portal with additional options, such as an export function
• Much more!

Updated on
Mar 15, 2023

Data safety

Developers can show information here about how their app collects and uses your data. Learn more about data safety
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Ratings and reviews

103 reviews
Tobias brobribrojomo
November 18, 2020
Die App macht mich aggressiv und irgendwie ist sie auch ziemlich nutzlos, die Kategorien sind einfallslos, nichtmal Strom und Gas ist drinnen, jeder Mensch mit 3 Gehirnzellen kann eine bessere App innerhalb von 5min basteln.
Did you find this helpful?
illoTech Software GmbH
November 21, 2020
Danke für das Feedback! Würden seine Exzellenz mitteilen, was er denn gerne konkret verbessert haben möchte? Untertänigst, JS
October 27, 2020
Ansich gute App mit schönem Design. Ein paar Anregungen, weil mir trotzdem einiges fehlt: 1. Die Kategorien von Daueraufträgen ändern, nachdem man sie schon gespeichert hat. 2. Die Möglichkeit, eine Art zweites Profil zur App hinzuzufügen, wenn man zwei Haushaltsbücher braucht, da z.bsp. zwei Konten separat laufen und nicht gemischt werden dürfen. 3. Sich ein Datum anzeigen lassen und wieviel Geld dort vorhanden sein wird, mit Einbezug der Daueraufträge. + GROßE Anzeige mit aktuellem Budget