Journyx Mobile allows you to use your mobile phone to fill out your timesheets and reimbursable expenses and submit them for approval when you don't have access to a computer. You MUST have a login account for an existing Journyx (tm) or Journyx PX(tm) site in order to use this app. Azure Single-Sign On is supported.
The Journyx app includes access to all of your time and expenses, including your current and recent sheets. You can add new time and expenses or edit/remove existing entries. You can use your memorized entries to create new ones, and you can attach pictures of receipts from your phone. When you are finished, you can submit your time and expenses for approval.
The Journyx mobile app also allows managers to review and complete approvals of timesheets, expenses and equipment.
NOTE: Journyx server version 11.2.2, 11.5.2 or 12.0.1 (or higher) is required.