◆ Contents of the movie director name dictionary
Contains the names of well-known Japanese and overseas film directors.
・ [Ponjuno] Bong Joon-ho
・ [Todd Phillips] Todd Phillips
・ [Gene Stupnitsky] Gene Stupnitsky
・ [Hideki Takeuchi] Hideki Takeuchi
・ [Mariko Tetsuya] Tetsuya Mariko
・ [Ishikawa] Kei Ishikawa
◆ What is ATOK Extended Dictionary
When used with ATOK, it adds words that can be converted, making typing easier.
The number of extended dictionaries that can be used in ATOK itself is as follows.
・ ATOK for Android: 10 pieces
・ ATOK for Android Passport version: 10 pieces
・ ATOK for Android trial version: 2
・ ATOK for Android medical dictionary set: 10 pieces
・ ATOK for Android Medical Dictionary Set Trial Version: 2
・ ATOK for au (au Smart Pass): 10
・ ATOK for Sugotoku (docomo Sugotoku content): 10
・ ATOK for App Pass (SoftBank App Pass): 10
* Cannot be used with pre-installed ATOK and ATOK for Android [Professional].
* ATOK extended dictionary alone does not work.
◆ Use ATOK extended dictionary
-ATOK settings Select [ATOK Cloud Service]-[ATOK Extended Dictionary]-[Add from List].
・ To stop using the dictionary, long-tap (hold) the dictionary name in the list and select [Delete] from the menu that opens.
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