Get ready to obtain your youth, private, light and motorcycle license efficiently and successfully with our application. Study and master all the areas that will be examined by the VMT, including the Land Transportation Law, the General Traffic Regulations and Road Signage. All of our questions have been carefully selected from the Road Safety Instructions and are presented in the same format and order in which they will appear on the actual exam.
You can study each topic separately in tests of 40 questions or, if you prefer, take our free test that includes 100 questions and covers all topics. When you feel ready, put your knowledge to the test with our exam simulator, designed to reproduce the real experience of the test.
In addition, we offer an extensive syllabus complete with more than 500 questions, for those who wish to study in depth each aspect of the content.
Our tests have been designed following the methodology used by the VMT, always showing random questions. Simply select the answer that you consider correct and press the answer button. If your answer is correct, it will be displayed in green; otherwise, it will be marked in red and the correct answer will be indicated to you. In this way, we guarantee effective learning.
In addition, the application records all your attempts in each of the tests carried out in the different categories. You will be able to consult your grade point average and your results graphically, which will allow you to evaluate your progress.
Our study process consists of 4 simple steps:
Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the entire syllabus and the correct answers.
Step 2: Practice the tests by category to test your knowledge in each area.
Step 3: Pass the simulator, with the same number of questions that you will find in the real exam, once you get good grades in step 2.
Step 4: Challenge yourself! Show your knowledge in the free test of 100 questions or try to answer the entire syllabus without making mistakes.
If you follow these steps, there's no way you'll fail the real test!
Will you be one of the best students in our ranking? prove it!
Your opinion is important to us. We appreciate any suggestion or comment. Our application aims to help you pass the theoretical test efficiently and avoid unnecessary expenses. Take into account that this app does not belong to VMT, SERTRACEN or any government organization, and it will always be free.