A Memory Game
Keep track of your own moves or keep track of your opponents? Both if you want to win the pot!
A Strategy Game
Who we kidding here? The strategy is to win the pot or why we playing here anyway?
A Social Game
Not that kind of social game…the kind where you can play with your friends without getting all caught up in a bunch of rules!
The game of MiSDIRECT is played by 4 players on a game board made up of a 15 x 15 tiled grid (225 squares) with each player starting from their home base located in the 4 corners of the board. Each home base has the permanent direction pointing towards the center of the board 7 tiles away. The game begins with all, but the 4 corner and center tiles, face down. The starting player rolls a 6-sided die and moves their token to the number rolled. The tile corresponding to their roll is then turned over to reveal the rolling players new direction as displayed on the underside of the tile. Any special instruction revealed are carried out and any prizes contained on that tile are moved to the players bank where they are stored in case the player wins the game. Once the player has completed their move, they now have the choice of using their rotation coins (Rotation coins always begin the game with the “End Turn” face up) to rotate any tile on the board 1 tick to the right or left. Should the player choose to rotate a tile at the end of their turn, once the tile had been rotated, they would then flip their rotation coin to the opposite face to signify that their next rotation be done at the beginning of their turn. Should the player choose not to rotate at the end of their first turn, the coin would remain with the “End Turn” face up until such a time as it was used.