ZenServices is a discount service that offers exclusive privileges with our partners with our virtual discount card.
Our services:
- ZenSante is the section that deals with the reduction of services in partner pharmacies and hospitals.
- ZenAssur takes care of car and motorcycle insurance in our partner insurance company.
- ZenAuto: We take care of the purchase of automobiles with free one-year automobile insurance at partner dealerships with exceptional discounts.
- ZenDraining: No more worries about emptying your means of transport at a reduced cost. Shell our exclusive partner.
- ZenOil: Buy fuel, gas, diesel from our partner stations at reduced prices.
- ZenMarket: Make your purchases, shop in our partner supermarkets always benefiting from a reduction.
- ZenTravel: Travel with the best partner companies at reduced prices.
- ZenResto: Eat via our app and get discounts on your orders.
- ZenCare takes care of your well-being and beauty at medium cost with our discount card from our partners.
- ZenImmo: Pay your rent, your plots at exceptional rates.