transport; It is a market place that gathers all transportation activities under one roof.
transport; It is a new generation transportation platform that adapts transportation activities to today's age and brings together those who need it and vehicle owners.
It is now very easy to fulfill your factory products, your house, a file or document, your pet, in short, all your transportation requests through our Nakilnat mobile application.
Your Shipping and Transportation needs are managed digitally with Nakilnat. All motor vehicles, big or small, you want are in Nakilnat.
You can become a free member of our Nakilnat mobile application and control your logistics operations.
As Nakilnat, our aim is to easily find the vehicle that will carry your cargo, to track where it is while being transported, and to know when it will be delivered.
At the same time, in the carrier part; It is offered to you with the support of Nakilnat to find the most suitable load for your vehicle and increase your earnings.
Correct address of Reliable Shipping; transport.
navigation maps logistics shipping