Gergana Dineva
Hello, I am trying to contact you already a second week. The app does not load, also the website is non-responsive. It's like this more than 10 days, which is hugely problematic, given the fact there is no backup or nothing, so all my data and my dates are lost. I payed the whole subscription for the next year just in the end of October, and it it not at all cheap for an online-based app, depending fully on the internet connection, lacking backup and being down for 10 days. There is zero service already more than a week, which clearly could raise many severe halakhic problems in the sphere of taharat hamishpacha for all these users, which is a very serious problem, not just a mere technicality. No way even to find a way to contact the developer or anything, since the webpage is dead, therefore the app is dead and there is no way to find any contact of the developer besides one mail here. I think you should seriously consider fixing this issue, since it is connected to some of the most important mitzvot and, respectively - some of the most severe sins. Otherwise, it was working well, even though I have never contacted back for my question my i never get push-notifications. My rating is based on the lack of any maintenance for so many days and no way to react. I am not even mentioning any refund. Please, fix it.
10 people found this review helpful
rabbi Itzchak Steinberg
November 22, 2021
Please call us whith whatsapp will be more then happy