AAPROVEL is a private, non-profit association, with legal basis in the Federal Constitution in its article 5, inc. XV XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI, as well as in the Civil Code in its article 53 and following and its objective is to defend and promote the interests of its members, offering them a list of benefits and support through mutual assistance, based on the principle of associativism.
At the end of each month, losses from theft, theft and collisions are tallied and divided (prorated) among active members. Therefore, AAPROVEL should not be confused, under any circumstances, with commercial business companies that operate in the insurance sector, as AAPROVEL only offers support for the member's equipment (vehicle/motorcycle) through associations, dividing expenses caused by accidents, qualified theft or theft, in accordance with the rules established in the Internal Regulations, ordinances and internal communications.
About the app:
Through the Contact Us menu you can stay up to date with the association's news. Keep your contribution up to date virtually and practically. Access your current bill or 2nd copy with practicality and agility. If you are not yet a member, you can carry out an online simulation and choose the protection that best suits you; The application allows you to make various requests and services, such as: 24-hour assistance. Workshops, Advantages and benefits.