Create and store your player characters of Bliaron 2nd Edition RPG, compatible also with the official online character sheet. Create and invent new spells through the modular magic system. Generate new characters quickly based on a comprehensive list of character concepts.
As a Game Master, use the app to introduce the game system gradually to new players. Make new characters quickly, and share them easily with a URI-coded link. Learn the basics of magic through quick tips available with each magical effects. Build your knowledge further by exploring the spell builder and advanced sections.
Explore a unique animistic Bronze Age world full of magic and ancient historical fantasy themes through role-playing. Bliaron 2nd Edition is a tabletop RPG released by Northern Realms in 2021. It features a deep spirit-based magic system that allows custom spells, creation of magic items as well as complex ritualistic interaction with spirit creatures.
The game is designed for quick and easy game flow, emphasizing good fiction and storytelling. Complex factional, religious and cultural conflicts help to build story tensions for your own adventures.
Licensed mostly as Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-SA), the game content can be freely shared within the gaming group and expanded through fan fiction or free projects. All text and art within this app release is licensed as CC-BY-NC-SA.