Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillahhirabbil'alamin Many blessings that Allah has given, but very little that we remember, All praise is only for Allah, the Lord of all the Nature, Thanks to the grace of taufik and his immeasurable guidance so that the author can complete this application with the title 40 HADITHS ABOUT PRAYER.
Sholawat and greetings we say to our Apostle, namely the Prophet Muhammad SAW by saying Allahhumma sholli'ala Muhammad wa'ala 'ali Muhammad , Hopefully we will get his intercession
This application is the result of FIELD EXPERIENCE PRACTICE (PPL) Hadith Science study program at UIN Imam Bonjol Padang at the Islamic Center for Hadith Studies (PKH) in Cinagara Village, Caringin, Bogor, West Java
I say a big thank you to the PPL supervisor of the Hadith Science study program, Ms. Dr. sri Chalida, M. Ag and Mrs. Dr. Azharia Fatia, M.A and to the pesantren / PKH. Thanks to the direction and guidance for 7 days, I was able to complete this Android version of the Digital hadith application.