Banking with your community bank just became even more convenient. Mobile banking with Prime Meridian Bank is your gateway to 24/7 control of your financial resources. It’s fast, easy, and secure and empowers you with the tools needed to manage your money.
· Set up alerts so you are aware of all activity and know when your balance drops below a certain amount
· Check account balances
· Deposit checks in a snap by taking a picture of the front and back
· Pay bills and make payments to a company or a friend**
· Transfer funds between your accounts
· Conveniently manage your debit card to help prevent unauthorized use
· View and save your monthly eStatements
· Find nearby bank locations and ATMs***
Secure your account with a 4-digit passcode or biometric on supported devices.
*Wireless service providers’ rates may apply for connectivity, data, and/or usage.
**Online clients must first setup transfer and bill pay accounts in Online Banking prior to using these mobile banking features.
***This feature limited to locating our banking centers and ATMs. Please refer to your carrier for any fees that may apply.