Sage is trained on everything we’ve learned over the last two decades from helping `over` 150,000 people achieve their most important health and fitness goals.
Sage understands your challenges, monitors your progress, anticipates your needs, and provides real-time support.
To do that, `Sage` first:
✔ Calculates your personal calorie and macro needs
✔ Asks you about your goals, habits, and challenges
✔ Helps to track your nutrition and lifestyle goals
✔ Allows you to enter data manually with a user-friendly interface
Other apps stop there. But Sage takes it way beyond basics.
✔ Is available 24/7 to help you make real-time decisions around food choices and exercise
✔ Helps you adapt your calorie, macro, and portion targets to your everyday routine
✔ Dials your nutrition and exercise efforts up or down depending on what’s going on in your life
✔ Reviews your progress with you to determine what’s the best thing for you to focus on now
✔ Checks in with you regularly and helps you figure out what to do to stay on track
→ Adaptive Intelligence“
You’re very consistent with your workouts except on Mondays. Should we adjust your exercise plan so Mondays aren’t a problem?” Sage doesn’t push you to stick to your original plan. It monitors how your life unfolds in reality. If your routine shifts, Sage helps you align your plan to better fit your current situation.
→ Pattern Recognition“
It seems you’ve had Frosted Flakes at 10 p.m. almost every night this week. That’s new. Is something stressful going on in your life?” Sage keeps track of what you share about your eating behaviors, exercise habits, and sleep quality and looks for root causes of cravings and setbacks, and then suggests ways to help you get unstuck.
→ Advanced Customization“You said you have a gluten intolerance. Tell me the kinds of meals and snacks you like, and I can give you delicious gluten-free recipes.” If you have specific health conditions, Sage can instantly customize recipes and advice based on your health profile.
→ Real-Time Support“
It’s okay that you ate more than planned. That happens to everyone. Let’s figure out how to get you back on track for tomorrow so your progress doesn’t stall.” Sage is non-judgmental, empathetic, and practical, and great at brainstorming ways to move you forward, instead of letting you backslide.
→ Deep Health Integration“When you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to snack more. Want ideas for improving your shuteye?” By considering your sleep habits, and regularly rating your mood, stress levels, and work productivity, Sage can give you a holistic view of your health. The more you share, the more Sage will be able to help you.