PubSafe is the next generation platform to bring citizens, NGOs and governments, together to assist one another and communities by sharing real-time information.
Citizens - Install the 100% free version to join the effort to help one another and share information. Coordinate with family, church, friends and your community by sharing information in real-time, to assist people and animals, or to offer a routine helping hand. Help others with a flat tire, recover from a hurricane, shovel snow, jump start a car, share wildfire info, etc., even when traveling globally. Always call 911, or your local authorities, for emergencies.
My Status | Help | SitReps | Locations
NGOs - Upgrade to PubSafe Pro to create an organization in the cloud portal. Enjoy a 30-day free trial of PubSafe Pro and explore how the PubSafe portal can help you manage your organization during blue and gray skies. After the free 30-day trial, the subscription service will begin at the list rate. Service can be cancelled at any time through the app market which will take effect at the start of the next billing cycle as determined by your app market provider. You can reactivate a paid services at any time.
Track Teams | Dispatch Work Orders | Automated Volunteer Registrations | Automated Help Requests | Contact Manager | Volunteer Hours | Search Party Management | Teams | iPAWS alerts
Use the web portal to track field teams, dispatch work orders, and manage contacts and volunteers, track work orders, volunteer hours, and more around the world. Register your organization today at There is no annual contract or annual payment for portal access.
During disasters, opt in to share reasonably anonymized tracking data may be used for public benefit research to study evacuation routes, asset positioning, assistance requests, equitable social resource distribution, geographic based data, and more. Data can aid in a future response to be more efficient and less expensive. Your data is never sold or shared for marketing purposes. You control your visibility.
PubSafe works globally where cell phone internet coverage is available. Visit for more details.
For Subscription :
Enjoy a free 30-days trial of any paid subscription. Your trial will end on after 30-days, after which your subscription will automatically renew as a paid plan at the standard rate of your selected subscription plan, unless canceled.
To avoid being charged, cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before the 30-days, through your Google Play account settings. You can manage or cancel your subscription at any time via your Google Play account.
You won't be charged if you cancel before 24 hours before 30-days
We'll send you a reminder 7 days before your trail ends.