Multimedia Balcarce is the most important media company in the city of Balcarce, for 22 years dedicated to providing information, opinion, entertainment, education and culture. In the media that are part of this company, we work every day to satisfy and consolidate the right to information, to help understand what happens to us, making Multimedia a useful tool for thousands of people who prefer these products every day. .
From Radio Líder 90.9, newspaper La Vanguardia, Channel 28 Balcarce Te Ve and, journalistic contents are carefully prepared, disseminating the information through the largest multiplatform content in the city. Radio, TV, Graphics, websites, mobile applications, and social networks.
They also work to ensure levels of accuracy and performance that meet professional standards.
Our journalists are dedicated to building a plural space for the exhibition and debate of the issues that involve society as a whole. Therefore, they defend democracy and its freedoms, and promote the strengthening of institutions from a free and independent journalism.
Radio Líder is, for more than 22 years, the most listened to radio in the city. Throughout these years, journalists have generated news and central research on local reality.
Channel 28 is the local air channel that transmits with its own programming (without retransmissions) throughout the day, every day of the year. The first local channel in the city with free and free content from 8 am to 11.30 pm.
Multimedia Balcarce is the largest media platform, and it generates the most content by professionals, reaching almost all of the Balcarceño homes and the area of influence. A leadership that was built based on a fundamental pillar of communication and journalism in particular: credibility. That is the biggest capital, and the best recognition, to which a journalistic company can aspire.