Dugdh Sankalan Sathi is user-friendly, smart integrated and server based milk collection software. It supports all the functionality of Society/BMC/MCC. Dugdh Sankalan Sathi capture the Milk Fat& SNF data from the Milk Analyzer/Electronic Milk Tester, milk weight from weigher, Digital Indicator displays Fat, SNF, Quantity and Amount, interfaced with Dugdh Sankalan Sathi. A notification is delivered to the pourer after the collection of milk to its registered mobile number with all the details. Transactions data is automatically send to the cloud server and masters and settings are downloaded from the same. In addition to conventional milk transaction by milk producers, it also supports the Milk agent's milk transaction, appropriation and processing of data. Rate chart & other global parameters from the BMC center can easily be sync from the cloud server through Internet/GSM Network.