Ulas Kelas is an application that provides reviews of courses at Fasilkom UI. This application helps Fasilkom UI students choose and consider the class to be taken before the IRS filing period begins. To login to this application, you can use your active SSO account.
Class Review can help you in:
Knowing what courses are available at Fasilkom UI
Knowing information on courses such as credits, course explanations, and prerequisites for other courses
Reviews of the courses you have taken and these reviews will be seen by everyone at Fasilkom UI
See the history of the reviews you have given on the courses you have reviewed
See reviews for each course from your friends who have taken the class
The reviews you make can be anonymous so that your identity is not visible in the review list. However, reviews that have entered our system will be reviewed again so that they can be displayed on the review list.
RISTEK Fasilkom UI