The Satokausi® map helps you find the places where blueberry, lingonberry and lingonberry grow in Finnish forests.
The Satokausi® map is based on data from open geospatial databases and scientific research data on the growing places of different species. The application utilizes unique growing site requirement studies, biological information and forest resource information, e.g. of trees, forest types, shade and soil. This information is used to predict and calculate the occurrence potential for different berries and mushrooms. The application was developed by Satokausi Media Oy, a Finnish company known for Satokausikaleniter®, in cooperation with biologist Jaakko Junika.
To get the most out of the app, please allow the app to use your location. Your location information will not be stored or disclosed to third parties.
You can use the free version of the application, which has limited features, by subscribing to the Satokausi® newsletter, by entering your email address in the application's initial view. The paid version of the application can be purchased within the application (€9.90/year) and does not require a newsletter subscription and includes all unlimited features.
Thanks to the application, everyone can take advantage of nature's gifts. The core of the application is a map view that shows the best and most likely growing places for various raw materials to be picked, such as berries and mushrooms. Kasvupaikkaiteo uses the latest research data and practical observations. This means that you get the most up-to-date and accurate information about where you can find nature's products. As a map base, the application uses the terrain map maintained by the Finnish Land Survey, which facilitates movement in the forest.
The probable growth locations of the raw material active in the application are shown on the map as squares of different colors. The size of one square in nature is about 10 x 10 m. The darker the square, the more likely the area is for the presence of the selected raw material.
Please note that the probable place of growth does not always guarantee an abundant harvest. The actual success of the raw materials in the region during the harvest season in question is of course influenced by the time of the harvest season, but also by annual factors in the region, such as:
Moisture: A rainy season can promote yield, while drought can weaken it.
Temperature and sunlight: Suitable temperatures promote growth, while extreme temperatures can hinder it.
Number of pollinators: A good population of pollinators such as bumblebees and flies can improve yields.
Diseases and pests: Plant diseases and pests can reduce yields significantly.
The application uses the most up-to-date biological information and public materials. However, when it comes to logging, for example, there may be delays in public information compared to reality, which is why the potential growth sites for raw materials shown on the map may appear better than they actually are in logging areas. The current conditions of the forest may be favorable for the growth of raw material due to fresh thinning fellings, but the earlier stages of the forest may have been too shady for the growth of raw material. However, the new conditions will allow the raw material to become more abundant in the coming years.
There are rare local inaccuracies in the geospatial datasets of satellite images, e.g. tree species ratios. With bog-based peat fabrics, the predictions are still partly inaccurate, but they will improve with updates to the application. In addition, there is a partial inaccuracy in the accuracy of the spatial information forest type data, which may have an impact on the accuracy of the forecast in certain areas.
The application's forecasting ability is constantly being developed through collected feedback, practical experiences and through new data sources.