Welcome to KiiQui, the revolutionary networking and socializing app designed to connect like-minded individuals in a whole new way. With our Speed Networking feature, you can engage in rapid-fire conversations with potential partners and professionals, while our short video inspired profiles help you make lasting impressions quickly. Connect face-to-face with video chat, filter matches based on your preferences, and build meaningful relationships. Whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking collaborations, an adventurer looking for travel buddies, or simply want to expand your social circle, KiiQui is your gateway to a vibrant community of possibilities.
KiiQui is free to use. However, for a better experience, we have reasonably priced monthly, 1- month, 6-month, and 12-month subscription packages. There's a package for all budgets, large or small.
Your subscription package price will be withdrawn from your App Store or Google Pay account. The subscription package of your choice will automatically renew based on your original selection. Your subscription defaults to renewal unless automatic renewal is turned off, and you will be charged within 48 hours of renewal. Your subscriptions can be managed from your settings.
Join us today and experience networking and socializing like never before!