The app provides detailed information about various types of farm machinery,
including specifications, operational ranges, and source of power. This feature
is crucial for helping farmers to select the right equipment for their specific
needs of seedbed preparation, sowing/ transplanting/ planting, interculture
operation, spraying/dusting, harvesting, threshing and residue management.
A significant feature is the ability to check the availability of machinery
locally or in nearby cities. The developed android app assist the farmers in
sourcing the necessary equipment without unnecessary delays or travel The app supports both Kharif and Rabi cropping seasons, offering tailored
information for rice, maize, and wheat crop. Users can select their cropping
season and crop to view relevant farming operations, from seedbed
preparation to residue management.
The home screen allows users to select their preferred language and provides a
clear, intuitive interface for navigating through different operations and power
sources. The main interface efficiently displays operations on a single page,
and users can choose their preferred power source from options like manual,
animal-drawn, tractor-operated, self-propelled, and power-operated.