Gau Sampurna app is a one stop solution for all the dairy farmer needs. If you have cattle (pashu), this app will help you make dairy farming easy and profitable. Gau Sampurna app offers best Pashu Mandi or Pashu Market as well as dairy farming products where the prices are best.
If you are an animall seller looking to get animall buyers on our pashu mela , gau sampurna app provides the best solution where you just need to enter your animall or pashu details on the gau sampurna app . You have to enter details such as breed or byaat of the cow (gaay) and buffalo (bhains) , milk capacity (doodh khsamta) etc.
If you are an animall buyer looking to get an animal on pashu mela, you can find all the different cow (gaay) , buffalo (bhains) you are looking for on gau sampurna app. We have more pashu than most of pashu mandi you will come across.
On gau sampurna app, you will find diverse breed (nasl) of cows & buffalo (gaay, bhains) : murrah bhains (murrah buffalo), kundi bhains (kundi buffalo), Surti bhains (Surti buffalo), Desi bhains (Desi buffalo), Jaffrabadi bhains (Jaffrabadi buffalo), Haryanvi bhains (Haryanvi buffalo), Kumbhi bhains (Kumbhi buffalo, kundi bhains (kundi buffalo), gir gaay (gir cow), rathi gaay (rathi cow), desi gaay (desi cow), HF gaay (HF cow), Holstein Friesian, sahiwal gaay (sahiwal cow), jersey gaay (jersey cow), hf cross gaay (hf cross cow), gir cross gaay (gir cross cow), sahiwal cross gaay (sahiwal cross cow), tharparkar gaay (tharparkar cow), dogli gaay (dogli cow)
List of features on gau sampurna app:
1. Sell your pashu or animal (Pashu bechein).
2. Buy a pashu or animal (Pashu khareedein)
3. Purchase dairy farming related products from the platform like chaff cutter, milking machine, cow matt, vaccines, cattle feed, cattle medicines, fodder, etc at the best price
More upcoming features on gau sampurna app:
Ask veterinary doctor (pashu doctor) - your cow, buffalo (gaay, bhains) related questions . India's best cattle doctors will be on gau sampurna app.
So, no need to travel to offline shops or pashu mandi when you can buy and sell all types of animall or pashu including different cow (gaay) , buffalo (bhains) as well as purchase dairy farming related products online through gau sampurna app
Join gau sampurna app like thousands of dairy farmers and make dairy farming simple