ⓒ Kwak Kyeong-mi, Kwak Eun-jung, Lee Bo-ram, Yoo Ji-eun 2016
This material is the intellectual property of the author, and unauthorized reproduction or reproduction is prohibited.
All about articulation therapy!
"Pronunciation [Barmi]" has been moved to the application.
It is an application of 100% utilization of articulation mediation made based on existing published materials.
A total of over 1000 pictures and words have been classified so that they can be used for articulation and vocabulary interventions.
If you want to check or mediate the articulation of a specific phoneme, just touch it three times. It is so easy to find the target phoneme in various difficulty levels.
It can be used effectively for vocabulary intervention of children.
By classifying 1000 words into categories by part-of-speech, you can create a list of vocabulary you want to show with just three touches.
If you have difficulty explaining the articulation point instructions, please use the reference room.
Pictures and brief explanations on how to articulate each phoneme are included.
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***Update scheduled. The position of the existing play button can be moved to the lower left corner, and the new lower right cloud button can be used to hide or show the letters. Take advantage of the new features and use them for more interventions!***