#Check the beer compatibility with you just by taking a photo of the beer label
Found a beer you've never seen before? Take a look at the beer label and search.
Let Suldal tell you how well the beer suits you!
#Recommendation of my favorite beer
If you tell us your beer taste, we'll recommend a beer you might like.
Get a recommendation for the beer that's right for you.
#Beer information inquiry
You can search for information on various types of beer.
Check the beer’s origin, alcohol content, and taste characteristics at a glance.
#Beer review management
Write and record reviews of the beers you frequently drink.
You can share your beer experiences with other users and leave honest reviews.
#Search for beer stores near me
Easily find nearby beer stores. You can check in advance where beer is sold near your location!
“Suldal Salon” is a must-have application for everyone who loves beer. I highly recommend this app to anyone who wants to learn more about the different flavors and characteristics of beer, or who wants to try a new beer. Download now and enter the exciting world of beer!