Tired of always seeing your bank account empty, constantly need to take up new loans? Get ready to take control of your spending, loans, incomes, and equities easily by tracking and planning and budgeting your expenses and incomes with the BBudget - Pocket Budget.
BBudget is always available an easy-to-use budgeting app. Use it as your "Pocket Budget".
Everything in the app is fully customizable: define your own budgeting categories, such as: Travel, Hobbies, Food, Entertainment etc. There are several icons for your own categories. You can also define your specific budgeting items, their type (income/expense), and their recurrence (recurring every Nth time).
The "budget planning" -wizard allows you to automatically create budgets for the entire year at once.
You can also easily check the spread of your expenses in a cool pie chart for each budget.
Once you create more budgets, you can check the accumulation in an "aggregated" view.
On top of that you can also budget your loan-related expenses by utilizing the "loan planner" -wizard, which will create an amortization schedule based on the terms of the loan you input.
Further you can now take full control of your equities, so you can define all your equity portfolios and follow-up on your profits constantly in the equity reporting-feature.
And further, you are able to manage your savings and equity savings by utilizing the savings and equities -wizards.
You can easily export and back-up your budgets as a JSON file to preserve your important records, and then re-import them in case of need.