Welcome to CBMC! We are a non-denominational church located in Alhambra, California. Our church is multi-lingual, holding services in English, Cantonese, and Mandarin. Here, you'll have access to all the latest sermons, receive updates on current ministries, and so much more! For more information, please visit cbmcla.org.
歡迎來到羅省華人聖經宣道教會 (CBMC)! CBMC是一間位於南加州阿罕布拉市的獨立教會。我們的主日崇拜設有三種語言: 粵語,國語,以及英文。你可以透過這個手機應用程式參與或下載主日崇拜講道,同時接收教會最新資訊等等。若果你想了解更多,請瀏覽cbmcla.org!