You can create your Sütbir wallet account in seconds, load money and transfer money.
With your Sütbir wallet:
- You can shop online by adding your Sütbir card with Mastercard logo to your wallet account,
- You can load money from your bank account and debit/credit card to your wallet account,
- You can transfer money from your wallet account to your own Bank account,
- You can view the balance loading and balance transfer limits of your wallet account,
- You can shop securely with your Sütbir card with the Mastercard logo, which is contactless,
- You can load and withdraw money from all ATMs to your Sütbir card with the Mastercard logo,
- You can view all transactions of your wallet account through the application,
All your transactions are carried out by Birlede Payment Services and Elektronik Para A.Ş., which is licensed by the BRSA and supervised by the CBRT, within the framework of the Law No. 6493 on Payment and Securities Settlement Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions.