Testbook has launched the Airforce Group X Preparation App which has several study materials like mock tests, study notes, exam notification and updates, previous year papers, all india ranking and much more. And the best part is that candidates can get this all for FREE. This is the golden chance for the aspiring candidates to get selected in the Indian AirForce, start your preparation today with AirForce Group X Preparation App.
The Indian Air Force conducts the IAF Group X Exam every year for recruitment of the candidates. There will be two exams: an online exam and an offline exam after which candidates will have to clear the medical test. Many youths appear for this exam every year.
Testbook is the most trusted exam preparation tool for competitive exams. Learn from one of India's best instructors and join a community of 1.9+ million students. The Airforce Group X Preparation App can help you design a plan for passing the IAF Group X test.
Download the IAF Group X Preparation App and avail the following benefits:
Complete IAF Group X syllabus
AirForce Group X Previous year papers to check the kind of questions to expect
Exam practise with AirForce Group X Mock Tests
There are free AirForce Group X PDF study notes provided for the candidates which have all the important details covered.
FREE AirForce Group X Notes in Hindi
Detailed smart analysis based on your performance with pointers to improve
There is an All India Ranking system for the AirForce Group X mock test series
Subjects Covered in Testbook IAF Group X Preparation App:
Here’s the list of all AirForce Group X subjects that will be covered in the Testbook AirForce Group X Preparation App:
This AirForce Group X Exam Preparation App includes everything an applicant will need to study for the IAF Group X Exam. The following are the details of each feature you'll get:
AirForce Group X Free Mock Tests: The IAF Group X Preparation App includes free AirForce Group X Mock Tests. You may analyse your performance, judge your strengths and weaknesses, learn time management, and more with a variety of AirForce Group X Free Mock Tests.
IAF Group X Previous Year Paper: There are several advantages to solving AirForce Group X Previous Year's Question Papers. The candidates will get familiar with exam patterns, trends, and question quality and difficulty,
AirForce Group X Notes PDF: For each subject, the Testbook Learn team has detailed comprehensive AirForce Group X Notes. On the Testbook App, you may get these study notes for free.
Exam Information and Blogs: This app contains all of the information you need concerning AirForce Group X recruitment. Learn everything you need to know about the test structure, admit card, answer key, eligibility, cut-off marks, and more!
Notifications about exams: Multiple notifications are sent out for Government Exams, and the Testbook AirForce Group X App will keep you up to date on all of them.
Language: Testbook is bilingual in order to reach out to as many people as possible and help them achieve their objectives. As a result, both Hindi and English will be available in the Testbook AirForce Group X Preparation App.
AirForce Group X Notes in Hindi: This mobile application contains AirForce Group X Notes in Hindi for candies who are more comfortable with Hindi.
Smart and In-Depth Analysis: Get performance-based tips and suggestions for your test results, along with guidance on how to improve. These will help the candidates reach their greatest potential.
To avail all these features, download the Testbook AirForce Group X Preparation App right now. You can also purchase a Testbook Pass, which grants you total access to all Mock Tests. Get access to numerous tests, lessons, questions, video classes, tips and techniques, and much more!