ultigigs is an on-demand jobs platform connecting people with flexible jobs. ultigigs creates a peer-to-peer network of people where they get compensated for referring people to jobs and jobs to people.
Some of the ultigigs features include:
See jobs near you
Find jobs that fit your preferences
Refer jobs to your friends and social circles
Track details of each of your job references
Get paid when your references start a job
Fill your timesheets
Submit your expenses
Introducing Jobs Referral management
Social Jobs Share via LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook
Listing of Active, Needs Approval, Closed and Cancelled Jobs
Job Listing with Location, Report To and Assignment information
Submit a timesheet from within a job listing
NearME Jobs Listing
Can submit multiple assignments.
Timesheet rules for Saved timesheets
Auto apply rules to Time-In, Time-Out Timesheets
Per week, per day, 7th-day rules applied
Added "ViewClock" to easily see current Check In
Introducing Edit Clock for Clock In/Clock Out time sheet
Can Submit Clock In/Clock Out time sheets weekly