Tired of studying in one place? With the Leo App, you can take UNIASSELVI wherever you go and have everything in the palm of your hand to do well in your studies!
· Study whenever and wherever you want!
Access the Virtual Environment and all Teaching Materials: virtual library, video classes, books, PDFs, online classes and take your tests and activities wherever you want, all at your own pace, according to your availability.
· Browse without wasting your internet data!
Browse the application for free, with the internet provided by UNIASSELVI. Whether it's watching your video classes, accessing the library or chatting with tutors, do it all without wasting your mobile internet data!
· Don't have any doubts.
Ask your questions via chat with tutors, or take advantage of weekly meetings with your class tutor, at the center or online
· Your complete academic journey IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND
Registration, enrollment, learning paths, viewing grades and absences, virtual laboratories and libraries. Everything in the palm of your hand and without consuming your data package.
· Keep an eye on your future!
Find information about internships, jobs and careers so you can leave college already employed!
· More practicality, impossible!
Renew your registration, open applications, request assistance, update your data, issue invoices and statements, check payments and access proof of registration for your student card. All this and much more in the app!
Not a student yet? Register from start to finish through the Leo App! It's easy, fast and you can start your studies right now!
Download the Leo App now and have control of your academic life in the palm of your hand!