The ICAR-Directorate of Poultry Research (ICAR-DPR) is one among the premier
institutions in the field of poultry science research and extension under the aegies of
Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The Institute is involved in conducting basic
and applied research in poultry production and management. The Directorate was
entrusted the task of developing germplasm suitable for rural poultry production. The
ICAR-DPR Mobile application is providing information about the Genesis, Vision,
Mission & Mandate of the Institute, Germplasm and Technologies developed, AICPR
on Poultry Breeding, Poultry Seed Project, Germplasm Availability, Latest news,
Downloads and Contact details.
Director, ICAR - Directorate of Poultry Research,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500 030,
Telangana, India
Ph : +91-40-24015651, 24017000
Fax : +91-40-24017002
Contact Mobile:
( L. Leslie Leo Prince, I/c AKMU)