Yemen BestBuy is a distinguished application for electronic shopping, as it displays carefully selected products and goods that combine high quality, elegance, good taste, and the right price at the same time, and not only that, but one of the most important features of the application is that when purchasing through it, there is no need to wait for weeks or days to receive the product As the delivery is immediate, and one of the advantages of the application is the service of returning the product if it is not suitable within a specified period.
The pursuit of the application to achieve a positive result for all parties made it necessary to diversify the products offered by the site, which has already been done so that the application includes several types of products to serve several segments of beneficiaries. Development and striving continues to provide and open new sections. Example:
Elegant and modern women's clothing
Classy and unique women's accessories
Various cosmetics and cosmetics of high quality
Beautiful baby clothes
The development continues to add new sections.
One of the most important things the application focuses on is ensuring the comfort and confidence of the beneficiaries at the same time, and this was embodied by providing the service of delivering products to the beneficiaries, in addition to the possibility of seeing the products directly and trying them if necessary to see if they are suitable or not before the value is paid, and If the product is accepted by the beneficiary, then the value is paid, and this method of dealing is not applicable to most online shopping sites, which generally rely on a payment policy first and do not provide an opportunity to view, preview and try before paying.
Unlike our application, which cares greatly about creating trust for the beneficiary by removing any concerns he has and giving him the option not to pay or recover the value if the product is not appropriate.