"Love Jobs" is an online career matching platform established by the Yan Oi Tong Jockey Club Career Development and Entrepreneurship Support Center. It cooperates with the website to connect employers and job seekers from all walks of life. It searches for a variety of full-time, part-time and temporary jobs for everyone. Employers are matched with employees.
"Love Find Jobs" has the following features to facilitate job seekers to find jobs faster and easier!
1. Full-time/part-time/temporary job vacancies in all walks of life are available! According to your interests and time, there is always a good job for you
2. Work information is transparent, labor, job responsibilities, etc. can be viewed in one go
3. Provide a real-time chat function. After reviewing your application, the company can choose to use the "Love Job" communication platform to chat with you in real time, so that everyone can understand their expectations and make an appointment for an interview
4. Create personal resume, work experience, etc., if there are any problems, you can modify them immediately
5. You will be notified immediately if there is any update on the job application status
6. The version of the webpage and the mobile phone are the same, helping you find jobs more conveniently on different platforms
If employers want to post jobs, they can register and post jobs on the "Love Jobs" website. It is also convenient and fast, and they can manage application information in real time