The user must have specialist knowledge in the field of wheel alignment and automotive technology as well as personal responsibility!
In combination with a self-leveling cross-line laser, AchsBoxPro Racing can be used to carry out wheel alignments and chassis adjustments in the box or in the paddock. There is no need to transport or set up devices or align cords. All results are clearly displayed and the setting aid makes setting easier.
AchsBoxPro Racing was developed specifically for the motorsport sector. The app is intended to provide quick, uncomplicated assistance with camber and toe adjustment on the front and rear axles. Since no special devices or measuring adapters are used, the system is ready for use on all vehicle and rim sizes in a very short time.
Depending on the measuring location requirements and personal working methods, AchsBoxPro Racing delivers reliable results and setting aids with minimal effort.
The accuracy of the entire system depends on the accuracy of the measured value recording, the height of the wheel contact points, the laser quality and the rim size.
It is around 4 angular minutes.
The app offers rim runout compensation, a function for the toe constant, the so-called toe-in curve, and a report output.
Additionally, multiple vehicles and setups can be saved.
The AchsBox Caster app is recommended for measuring caster and spread.