Generali accident reporting service – fast accident assistance on the go
Gain valuable time with Generali's accident reporting app. Additional time that can save lives or reduce the consequences of an accident. In conjunction with an accident reporting plug that is also required, the app automatically reports accidents to an emergency call center, which immediately initiates rescue measures in the event of serious accidents.
With an additionally required 12-volt accident reporting plug for the cigarette lighter and our Generali accident reporting app, the accident reporting service enables the technically supported reporting of an emergency, accident or breakdown with the insured vehicle. If acceleration sensors in the accident reporting plug detect an accident, the plug sends this information to the driver's smartphone. The accident reporting app, in turn, reports the accident, the exact position of the driver and the direction of travel to the accident reporting center, which immediately initiates rescue measures in the event of serious accidents.
Your advantages with the Generali accident reporting app at a glance
• Automatic notification of the accident reporting center in the event of serious accidents
• In the case of minor accidents or breakdowns, manual assistance can also be requested
• Intuitive to use
For a small additional fee, the accident reporting service can be selected exclusively for cars in addition to our Generali motor insurance cover services.
To register for the accident reporting service and to use the Generali accident reporting app, you need an account ID and an activation code. You will receive this access data for the accident reporting app after completing the accident reporting service as part of our motor vehicle protection letter services with the policy for your motor vehicle insurance. You then have to enter the missing data (e.g. the telephone number of your smartphone and the license plate number of your insured vehicle) once when registering.
In the course of registration, a function test is carried out to check whether the data can be transmitted and whether a call connection can be established. After successfully completing the test, you can use the accident reporting service for manual accident reports. In order to be able to use the accident reporting service to its full extent and to be able to trigger automatic accident reports, you must connect the Generali accident reporting app to your accident reporting plug via Bluetooth.
"... and to be able to trigger automatic accident reports, you have to connect the Generali accident report app to your accident report connector via Bluetooth.
For the data protection regulations of the app, please read the linkändigungserklaerung-fuer-die-unfallmelde-app