From December 31, 2024, there are no more updates for X. Patient.
Direct & secure communication between the patient and doctor's office - free of charge with the X.Patient from Medatixx and the partner Ratiopharm.
- News: "Chat" directly with your doctor's office and send them directly e.g.
Recordings of a recently supplied wound etc.
- Medicines: Manage your own medication, receive
Medication plans from your doctor's office, order of follow -up recipes and manage one
Take plan with automatic intake reminder
- Measurement values: Collect e.g. blood pressure values daily and send them by arrangement
With your doctor directly to the practice and check the course in a graphic
- External data: Share PDF documents from other apps with X. Patient and send
this (e.g. doctor's letters or findings) to your doctor's office
- You can use the absence times such as vacation or
Inform further training
In order to be able to use the complete scope of X. Patient, your practice must use software from the Medatixx house.
Further information at