This application is funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y Fondos FEDER: project key: TIN2014-59852-R (MIMECO/FEDER, UE) VIDEOJUEGOS SOCIALES PARA LA ASISTENCIA Y MEJORA DE LA PRONUNCIACIÓN DE LA LENGUA ESPAÑOLA.
You can improve your pronunciation of English vowels in a short time: a, e, i.
Minimum pairs of words are used: words that differ only in a phoneme and thereby change their meaning.
It is aimed at students and native Spanish speakers who want to improve their English pronunciation.
Complete the six proposed lessons of vowels a, e, and i in English.
Training modes are five:
1. Theory: a short explanatory video of the basic theoretical concepts of the pronunciation of the phonemes to be treated.
2. Exposure: listen to the minimum pair five times and record to compare your voice with the proposal,
3. Discrimination: Choose the right word you hear.
4. Pronunciation: tries to correctly pronounce the words of the minimum pairs.
5. Mixed Mode: Put yourself to the test with a mix of the previous exercises.
And many more features that you will discover throughout your training.