Successfully Prepare PIR exam with the help of CedePir GO!
Review the agenda of the PIR with CedePir GO through study sessions introduced the cards on the web platform CedeMemory. Reinforces the contents studied reviewing the cards of each session and indicating whether you remembered correctly.
With GO CedePir you can study:
& # 8226; & nbsp; full Topics
& # 8226; & nbsp; loose cards a topic or subject
& # 8226; & nbsp; loose global agenda Cards
& # 8226; & nbsp; more failed Cards, by you or other users
In addition, you will receive notifications with all information necessary for the preparation of PIR (news, ads with the date of simulacra, information notices, news, etc.)
Statistics, achievements and rankings
CedePir GO generates a series of statistics that let you know your progress, such as the number of study sessions per day or the number of cards correctly recalled.
Achievements get to perform certain actions:
& # 8226; & nbsp; Study consecutive days using the application
& # 8226; & nbsp; To study a certain number of cards in one day
& # 8226; & nbsp; To review all cards of one or more topics
& # 8226; & nbsp; ... and many more!
In addition, in the rankings of CedePir GO you can compare your progress with other users of the platform.
& # 8226; & nbsp; If you are a student of CeDe, you'll be able to access CedePir GO using the same credentials CedeMemory.
& # 8226; & nbsp; If you're not yet, you can register in the application and access the demonstration block, card two areas.
CedeMemory is a new method flexible, personalized study and, above all, seeks to optimize study time so that only you study what you really need. It is based on a computer platform with digital cards ( flashcards ) containing all the information CeDe preparation Manuals P.I.R., divided by areas and issues.