Virtual Cash Register (VRP) using VRP The KML printer prints cash register documents from a wireless KML printer. Documents from the cash register are printed on standard 57 or 80 mm thermal paper, which is the cheapest form of printing cash register documents.
The application expands the possibility of a virtual cash register by connecting a SumUp payment terminal. The payment is transferred directly from the CA to the payment terminal and then a receipt is received and the payment is printed to the printer. You can choose the number of receipts yourself.
In addition to this initial feature, the application extends the capability of VRP by printing the upper and lower text logos on cash register documents. You can print important alerts, information, or promote your website, phone contact or opening hours directly to your customers in a text log.
Thanks to the application, the virtual cash register can print a graphic logo of your company placed at the top or bottom of the document on each of your cash register documents.
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