is an independent business and financial portal, one of the most important sources of business news. With his objective and moderate writings, he supports the decisions of economic and corporate managers, money and capital market investors. His words, tone and style are characterized by understated and reliable professionalism. It requires a wide range of information from its employees, and the preparedness of its authors and editors has been recognized by the market with several professional awards.
In addition to the news found in the sections of (Hungarian and international economy, domestic and foreign companies, stock market, taxation, real estate), it also offers a number of interactive services.
The services of
- Constantly updated textual content (70-80 short financial, capital market, business and economic news per day)
- BSE exchange rates, interbank foreign exchange market quotations, other stock exchange data delayed by 15 minutes
- 6-8 business conferences per year (on energy, green economy, HR, smart city, real estate, finance)
- IndaPlay channel, on average two new video podcasts are uploaded per week