A Financial Marketplace application that facilitates you to apply for loans with BPKB or SHM guarantees and is connected to the nearest Financial Services Institution (BPR/LKM/Pergadaian).
ArtaKu has been registered with the Financial Services Authority as a Financing Agent operator.
You can choose the nearest Financial Services Institution within a 30 km radius. Installment information, Admin Fees, Provision fees are presented transparently.
You can get Installment promos up to interest below 1% / month.
You can see the status of your loan application directly and you certainly don't need to go around the BPR/LKM/Pawnshop to apply for a loan with a guarantee!
Come on, download ArtaKu immediately.
ArtaKu is Registered at the Financial Services Authority (OJK) S-362/MS.72/2021
Registered at the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (KOMINFO) 000284.01/DJAI.PSE/03/2021
Registered Member of Fintech Indonesia (AFTECH) 382/REG/AFT/SU
Contact us
Phone : 0811266722 (CS1) or 0811399766 (CS2)
Email : cs@artaku.id
Website : www.artaku.id
Facebook : ArtaKu
IG : ArtaKu | @artaku.id
TikTok : artaku.id
LinkedIn : ArtaKu