Surabaya Karir is the most popular online job vacancy information portal in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and surrounding areas, which has been followed up by thousands of Employers (companies) and Job Seekers (job seekers).
Apart from that, we also collaborate and partner with many companies. So that the vacancy information presented is always up to date, reliable, anti-hoax and of course there is a lot of information provided. Until now, our media has posted tens of thousands of job vacancy information from various companies, both large, medium and small companies.
We deliberately created a hybrid (online and offline) job application delivery system. So that Surabaya Careers can also be enjoyed by many groups. With the hope that the incoming job vacancy information can target all levels of academic graduates. In accordance with our ideals, to become a job vacancy portal that has a major contribution to reducing the number of unemployed in Surabaya, Sidoarjo and surrounding areas.